Monday, September 28, 2015

States Rights or Slavery

What do you think the Civil War was about, states rights or slavery? Write at least 3 sentences explaining your answer. Use FACTS to prove your point.


  1. i think that the civil war is about slaves because the south had all the slaves so the north did not want the south to have slaves in there country any more so that is why i think the civil war is about salves.

    1. that comment was from me Ryan sorry forgot to do my name

    2. I think that is true also. President Lincoln was for the union and he won the election against Douglass so that also explains that there must have been more people for the north since Douglass thought there should be slaves if the states choose to have them and Lincoln thought there shouldn't be slaves in general.


  2. I think that it was from slavery because the north wanted to have factories in the U.S. Also the south had lots of land and they wanted people(not them) to make their crops grow. So I think it was slavery because they two different agreements and the north wanted a lot of land.

  3. I think it was about slavery because the north wanted factories. The south had so much cotton and they didn't want to do it themselves. The most important thing was fight between north and south the north didn't want slavery.

    1. The Civil War was very well about slavery, but the fact that the states had different thoughts about ways to produce things, (South=agriculture North=industry) that can kind of refer to states rights. I do believe that the Civil War was more about slavery than states rights, but I think that a large part of the war was about states rights. However, I see your point.
      ~Annabelle Craven

  4. I think that it was about states. The North and South were both very different, one relied on slavery, the other on economy.Also, it was the tarrifs that actually started the war. Without the states, there would not be slaves or wars.

    1. That is very true but it was also about slavery because the North wanted a slaveless country but the south a slave full country and slavery caused many riots, revolts and other conflicts leading to war.

    2. Sorry, but you don't have to be so one-sided.

    3. I forgot my name, sorry.


  5. I think that the Civil War was about kind of both. Slavery was a big thing, and the North and the South definitely had many disagreements about it. This was a fine cause for war, and was probably a cause for war. However, state rights were also important at that time. With two main reasons for war, the Civil War was a long-lasting, very important war. State rights were important to both the North and the South because of Congress making laws trying to get rid of slavery. The South felt like their country was turning on them, so a war was started. Slavery also effects this issue because the North didn't agree with slavery at all, so they tried to fix it, and the South got very offended and angry with them.
    ~Annabelle Craven~

  6. I think the civil war was about the conflict between the union and the southern states fighting against slavery.


  7. I think the Civil War us about both. Slavery was a pretty big thing though. Though the North and South both wanted their equal rights. The South wanted a right to be that slavery was allowed and the North wanted slavery to be abolished. Then they passed a law that said no enslaved workers could be brought into the United States and the South thought that was unfair and they wanted equal rights.

    - Greta

    1. I agree it was not just slavery.

    2. Now you think it wasn't slavery?!


  8. I think that the civil war was based on slavery because the north wanted the southern not to be able to keep slaves to do their work. Southern also thought that the north should have slaves instead of all races to be free. The north also did this because they wanted more land to be free.
    The southern wanted more space from the north to plant more crops (like cotton).
    -Lilly G.

  9. That is what I am thinking that it is a little of both Annabelle.

    - Greta

  10. So yes I like your comment and it is very detailed Annabelle.3

    - Greta

  11. I think that the civil war was more about slavery because slavery seemed more important. Buying and selling people and then threatening to kill them if they don't work for you is a little worst then the states rights. Worst of all they don't even understand one word your saying.
    - from SEBA :)

    1. SEBA what do you mean on you last sentence?

    2. That's true its just that even after the Civil War African Americans were still discriminated about the color of their skin. So I see where your coming from but they still didn't have rights after the Civil War. -Mia Cabral

    3. good point seba

  12. I think the war was started from slavery. I think so because the southern states wanted to break away from the northern states so that they didn`t have to worry about being told not to have slaves by the north. Also, it was basically all about slaves rights to be freed.
    -Emma L.

    1. I think that is true about the southerners wanting to break away from the union. It could also be states' rights because the southerners were afraid of the government taking away their rights to own slaves. States rights were the concern of the southerners.

  13. I think the civil war was fought over slavery so batman can let robin speak. I think it was fought because of slavery because slavery is a state right so state rights are 1specific thing that made slavery a bad thing-James

  14. I think both. I think this because slavery was in southern states only. And I think the country wanted all the states to be the exact same. Then they went to war and the winner would make the country enslaved states or free.

    1. That was from Jeffrey Hallett

    2. I think it was both Slavery and State's Rights as well.

  15. i think it was fought over slavery because the south wanted to expand the farms and plantations but the north wanted to build factories. Also, slavery has to do with rights of the slaves so as james sad let robin speak- triston

  16. i think it was fought over slavery because the south wanted to expand the farms and plantations but the north wanted to build factories. Also, slavery has to do with rights of the slaves so as james sad let robin speak- triston

    1. # let robin speak -asher

    2. Triston your examples go with the bilef that was about state rights have you noticed that

    3. That was from Raina


  17. I think that the Civil War was about slavery because slaves were forced to take place in the Confederate side of the war. The Union did NOT allow slaves so they had much less people than the Confederate. Another reason is that the The Union did not like that the Confederate allowed slavery and thats why i think that slavery was the meaning of the war
    -Peyton <3

    1. Me gusta cuando siempre pones el corazón Peyton
      P.S That means I like whenever you post you put a heart by your name xD <3.

      And did Slaves join the Confederate side of the War, if they did join it would more than likely be because their masters would make them. Why would they want to force themselves to be in a war just to keep themselves slaves?

      ~Salter <3

  18. I think the war was fought over slavery because the slaves were forced to fight so the south thought they might squeeze the last drop out of them . Another reason I think so is that the slave states realized that the north out laws slavers and tried to turn it into a right. They probably said that "we have the rights to own slaves because of the 9th amendment(to have other rights than what are said in the constitution) ". -Asher ;^)

  19. I think that it should be fought over slavery not over states rights the reason is because there were lots of slave states and that is not fair for the people who got taken away from their homes in Africa and women who had baby's the baby's got thrown off the ship and died because they got thrown off the ship and fell to the bottom of the ocean. The other reason is that the north wanted to make the plantations bigger and wanted to build factory's all over the place and started a battle with the Union & Confederacy


    1. Well, if you think about it, it was also about states' rights because the south disagreed with the north on the tariffs. But it was mainly about slavery you're still correct.
      ~Coco L.

  20. Sorry meant to post this :P

  21. I think that the states' rights was the cause of the Civil War because, the Southern states were afraid that the government was going to take over, like Great Britain did. I also think that slavery was part of the war because the Southern economy was based on plantations and enslaved workers. Without slaves there would be no crops to sell and the economy would go down. Since the government established the Missouri Compromise, the South got very upset. I also think that the Civil War happened because Southern states started to secede, South Carolina seceded first. South Carolina did not want did not want Lincoln to be president and threatened to secede the Union and they did.
    -Isabella Luz

    1. So, are you saying that you think economy also played a big role?


  22. I belive that the Civil War was fought of slavery.Because honestley(this is just my opioin though)that states right is just a debate thing. Defentley not a reason to pull out guns.

    -Raina H

    1. I think that's a really reason!:)


    2. good reason (>">)
      - Harper

    3. I agree with Raina. I mean, slavery was really a money thing for the South. Sure, they may have had some trouble with States' Rights, but that wouldn't get rid of all their money the way abolishing slavery would.

  23. I do think that the war was about slaves, but I also disagree that the war was not just about slaves, it was also about states rights.
    - Isabella Luz

  24. I think that it was fought over slavery AND states rights. I think that the slavery part is that the southern states (confederate) wanted to break away from the northern states (the Union) so that they would allow slavery. The state's rights part is, they were fighting for the state's right to own slavery or for the states not be allowed to own slaves.
    - Sarah Prevost

    1. You get that part about the states rights about slaves, right?, but I do think that the war was also about states other rights or DISAGREEMENTS about the way that they did things; farming, production... But I think that it was mostly related to slavery and states rights about slavery.

      Just had to clear things up... : )>
      -Sarah Prevost <: )

  25. I think that the war was about both because slavery was not allowed in the North but it was in the south, but the south wanted the whole U.S to have slaves unlike the North.
    The South also thought that the government had given unfair rights because all the cotton that was being made and shipped to England you had to pay to import and export.
    The North also thought they had unfair rights because all the slaves they were bringing free were allowed to be chased and if anybody found them they would get money.
    Slavery caused many conflicts and as a result started a war along with state rights.


    1. I totally agree with you, about how slavery caused conflicts AND (what I think you were tying to say), the disagreements between the states over industrial things. I also agree with you about that the war was about both, slavery and STATE'S RIGHTS.

    2. I definatly agree, that is what Icentered my WHOLE comment around! I thought I was going to be the only person to say both!

    3. WILL!!! I believe I was the first???!!!
      -Sarah Prevost

    4. Sorry, AND OTHER PEOPLE!!!
      But, I have new evidence that it is true...

    5. In the social studies text book the text explicitly states that " Slavery was not the only cause for the civil war; the economical differences played a part in the civil war".
      -Sarah Prevost

  26. I think the war was mostly about slavery but still about states rights. Southern people thought the tariffs were affecting their economy. That is why part of the war was about states rights. I think the war was also about slavery because the Northerners thought slavery was unconstitutional. I think the Northerners were with the idea that all men were created equal as stated in the Declaration of Independence. That is why I think the Civil War was about both slavery and states rights

    1. Sorry, forgot to put a period.

  27. I think that the war was mostly about slavery.I think so because the war started because some states wanted slavery but others didn't. The war was about if slavery should be illegal are allowed. That is whyI think that slavery was what the Civil War was about.

    - Lucy G.

    1. But what about tariffs? That would be states rights right?

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry I forgot to sign out of my google account.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I think that the Civil War was acually about both slavery and states rights. I know this because before the war started there were senators and states who beleived that states should have the right to choose whether to obey or not obey federal laws. They thought that they should have the right to choose exactly how to run their state. Also there was alot of tension before the war involving this, but mainly about slavery. Lots of people disagreed about this subject, there for causing lots of arguments. I also know this because that first day whe nwe sort of previewed social studies you said that everybody thought that the Civil War was about slavery but you said that it was also about lots of other things.

    1. Yes i agree both.
      Mainly slavery but still both.

  30. I think that the war was mainly based on slavery. I think this because the north didn't want slaves so they could make more money off the factories and the south would only make money off of farming because the people were too lazy to actually do any work. That is why the south had slaves.P.S. it really doesn't say much about states rights being the main reason that the war happened in any of our resources what so ever.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sorry I accidentally put it on google account. Here is what i wanted to say,

      I don't believe that plantation owners were lazy they were just cruel and mean.
      Because if they were actually lazy they would have not cared during war and just let them win but the south struggled for there beliefs. So they were not really as lazy people say.


      "P.S. just saying don't want to be mean."

    3. That is very true but it was also about slavery because the North wanted a slaveless country but the south a slave full country and slavery caused many riots, revolts and other conflicts leading to war.

    4. Couldn't you have put that in your actual reply?

      -{D}{a}{m}{i}{a}{n} [R][e][a][d]

  31. I believe that the Civil War was mainly based on slavery. The northern states wanted to abolish slavery but the southern states were the opposites. Because the northerners wanted to abolish slavery, they used factories instead of slaves on plantations. The southerners wanted to keep on having slavery because slaves were used to pick cotton and work instead of the farmers. Cotton is bad for soil so farmers had to buy a bigger plantation. This called for much more slaves. The Civil War was the bloodiest war of all time. ( Involving Americans.) In my opinion, no facts were ever stated upon that the Civil War was about states rights.

    1. This comment was by Cortney Klein.

  32. I think that the Civil War was about both states' rights and slavery because the southerners thought that the tariffs were hurting their economy. On the other hand, the northerners wanted the tariffs because it helped them earn more $$$. But, it also was about slavery because the north and the south argued over either to allow slaves or to abolish slaves. The south wanted to have slaves while the north did not and then they pulled out their guns and everything became to be one of the bloodiest wars in American history.

    1. This comment was made by Coco L..
      ~Coco L.

  33. I think the civil war was about a mixture of both the states' rights and slavery. One reason I believe it was a mixture is because the northerners had something similar to slaves which were immigrants paid at very low wages ,so they couldn't criticize the southerners about having slaves. Another reason is that slave states thought the government would take away their states' rights to have slaves in the new territories.

  34. I think the civil war was mostly about slavery because the northern states wanted to get rid of or abolish slavery but the southern states disagreed with them. the southerners sometimes used thousands of slaves in just one plantation and the northerners thought they were crazy so they started building factories instead. As far as I can tell every article I've read said that the civil war was mainly about slavery not states rights.
    - Hanna Palep

  35. I think it was both but mainly slavery. I think that because they were angry about slavery and wanted to stop it. KMD

  36. xD I like the picture of Batman slapping Robin! Ok so I think the cause of the Civil War was ... lemme think ... oh yeah, I think slavery LED to the disagreements about states rights.

    1. Why did you need the dots? Unless you're writing a story, you wouldn't normally put the passage of time in. Did you put the dots just for fun?
      (Why am I getting so off-topic?)

      -Damian Read

    2. I too think that slavery led to State's Rights.

      -Sofia =)

  37. Why is everyone obsessed with that picture?


  38. I think the civil war was about slavery and also state rights. People who lived in the North did not want to abolish slavery, but it was way different in the South. Southerns owned many slaves to work in the cotton fields for them. Even though the Union won, slavery continued. Another reason I think the civil war happened is because, it was a struggle between the federal government and individual states. The government was debating on whether or not they should abolish slavery or not.


  39. I think the civil war was about states rights. I think this because wasn't it a right that the Southern states had to own slaves. If they had no rights own their own then they wouldn't have the right to own a slave at all.

  40. I think the war was about slavery. One reason it was about slavery is the south wanted to break free of the United States because they believed that slavery was supposed to be good and the north didn't like slavery so they just wanted to be by themselves with slavery. The southern farmers needed slaves to make them a bunch of cotton so they can get a bunch of money, while the north believed in factory's to make all their resources


  41. I think that the civil war was mainly about slavery because their were fighting about what was going to be a slave state and what was not.For example the Missouri comprise they were fighting if it was going to be a slave state or not. -haden

  42. I think that the civil war was about slavery. The reason I think this is true is because the north and the south wouldn't have fought if there was no slaves. The north wouldn't be fighting because they wouldn't think that slaves were not allowed. The south wouldn't be fighting because they think that slaves should be allowed, but if they didn't have slaves no one would be fighting. I know that was really confusing but mainly I think that the civil war was about slavery.

  43. I think the Civil War was about our rights and slavery. I think this because African Americans were treated like they weren't even humans. They thought they were different because they were a different color. After the war finished slavery didn't end but a few years later slavery did end. BUT African Americans still were treated like slaves even when they weren't. it took a while untill African Americans weren't judged about there race,color,gender. -Mia Cabral

  44. I think the civil war was about slavery. I think this because the south depended on slaves to pick cotton. Cotton was the south's cash crop so they needed slaves to pick the cotton. The north had factories so they did not need slaves. Also the north did not have a cash crop so they did not need slaves like the south.When the north did not want slavery and the south did, violence started.

  45. I think the Civil War was about slavery because it states in the textbook "that the war started when the north did not want the south to have slaves. But on the other hand the south wanted the north to allow slaves." So this means that the were disagreeing about this and that.
    -Angel Gray

  46. slavery, because south used slaves to make cotton and they wanted slaves to do it. Also, north wanted to get rid of slavery. Last, south wanted more money.
    -Harper Lee

  47. I think slavery because the south wanted to make money and the north was against slavery.So that's how I think the civil war started.

  48. I think that the civil war involved State's Rights and slavery.The Confederate States (Confederacy) wanted slavery because their economy relied on it. The Union was more industrial, and didn't rely on slaves. When the North and South disagreed, the South though that they should be able to form their own country (State's Rights).

    -Sofia =*0

  49. I think it was about slavery because the union had factories and did not need slaves but the confederates did so if the union took them away the confederates would have nothing. That and if the slaves were gone their stocks would crash.

  50. I think it was about states rights because they could have slaves because some states allowed slavery and other states did not allow slaves.I also think that the rights could let them do what they wanted to do with their state and other states did what they wanted with their states.If some states wanted slaves they could have slaves if they did not want to have slaves they could not have slaves, so it was about the states rights.
    - HARRY

    1. Harry,
      You mentioned slavery many times in your response,yet you said you thought the war was about State's Rights. I don't understand that.

      -Sofia =¬)

  51. I think it was about both because the south wanted states rights to allow having slaves.


  52. I have to agree with Batman about this, so I believe it was about state's rights because there is a document which's name I forget, that states that Lincoln did not want the southernmost states and other states to secede so Lincoln fought against slavery. In other words Lincoln wanted to keep slavery going but had to go against it because the other states would secede if it kept going. Another way it was about states rights was that slaves did fight for the confederacy. Even though they had been cruel to the slaves they still fed them, clothed them, hydrated them, and put a gun in their hands. The slaves could've shot them on the spot but they were happy to be out of the plantations. If it was about slavery then slaves wouldn't have been fighting. They would've been locked up or exterminated. In conclusion, the civil war was about State's rights.
    - Sophia Schier :)

    1. sophia schier

      it was not state rights it was slavery!!!!!!!
      alec lozano

  53. I think the civil war was about slavery. Think about it; Would there have been a civil war without slavery?

  54. Revised Edition:I think the Civil War was about slavery. Think about; Would there have been a Civil War without slavery? Sure, they had problems with State Rights, but that wasn't what gave them all their money. Slavery gave them almost all their money, and State's Rights didn't. When people tried to abolish slavery, I'm pretty sure that's what started the Civil War.

    1. Aisling,
      I agree with your revised edition and your original. Without slavery, there would be no arguments and fighting. When there was slavery, the South wanted to secede and make a country in which slavery was allowed.

      ₪ Sofia ₪

  55. I tink the civil war was about slavery because there was no war causing dissagreement other than slavery in between diffrent parts of the U.S at the time.


  56. I think the Civil War was about slavery because the civil war started because the Union and the Confederacy had conflict about if slavery was right or wrong.The Union was against slavery and the Confederacy thought slavery was okay.
    -Sarah Madlem

  57. OOPS, I mean think!


  58. it was slavery because abraham lincoln dis liked slavery

    Alec lozano

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. The civil war was more about slavery than states rights. The southern states didn't want to give up their free labor. They didn't want to pay people to do the work the slaves were doing for free.

    Ava Murphree

  61. I think the war was fought over slavery. Lincoln thought that slavery was wrong and he tried to take it away. The confederates made their own ideas and seceded. they seceded because Lincoln was going to take it away. -Lucy Adams

  62. I think that the war was fought over slavery because Lincon did not want slavery.
    -Katie Mae Sigal

  63. I think that the war was fought over slavery because without slavery the southerners couldn't maintain their plantations

  64. I think that the war was fought over slavery because without slavery the southerners couldn't maintain their plantations.

    1. I agree, but don't you think they would find some hobo or something and pay them minimum wage to tend to their crops

    2. I agree with you Jasmine, that's pretty much what I stated in my answer.


  65. I think its because the north hated slavery!

  66. I think the civil war was about slavery. I think this is because The North and the South were fighting and they both had different opinions at the time. The North wanted slavery and the south didn't.

    -Ava Reese

  67. I think the civil war was about slavery because the North wanted to end slavery and the South had nothing but slaves so they went to war.

  68. I believe that the Civil War was started from slavery, because without slaves the southerners could not maintain their plantations by themselves or else no work would be completed.


  69. I also think the Civil War was fought because of Slavery.This is because if slavery was allowed or wasn't introduced would there be such a big war?Another reason is that if slavery was Tolkien away the south would loose their main cash crop (Cotten) and then they would would be very poor and they would have to start to become industrial like the north.Sorry about the misspelled words.

  70. I think it was about slavery NOT states rights. I think slavery was a much bigger problem. I mean one half of the country was against the other half!!!!!! states could have been solved later on.
    - DELANEY :)

  71. I believe it was about slavery. the reason I say this is because slavery was always a big thing so half of the US fought and they always put the slaves in front so they get killed first. it is still a big deal in the US.
    -ELLERY ;)

  72. I think the Civil War was about slavery because if there was not slavery, would here still have been a Civil War? Half of the U.S wanted slavery while the other half did. So wasn't one side fighting for slavery while the other was fighting for no slavery. Sure there were some state rights they wanted to change but when people tried to stop slavery is what I think cause slavery.

  73. I agree Riley. I have some more reasons to back that up. If we've never heard the possibility that the civil war was because of state's rights, then I think the more common belief-It was because of slavery- is likely to be true. Although the "underdog" belief may be the true cause. Also, if the state's rights conflict was never truly resolved would the civil war have ended? I think not. I think the civil war was because of slavery because it was resolved-slaves were banned. If you don't think so, you're free to think what you want to. But I think that the civil war was because of slavery. Just read my reasons. You just might agree with me too.

    -Max Willis

  74. I think that the civil war was mainly about slavery because it was clear that half of our country wanted slavery and the other half did not. slavery was important to the south because they did not want to do the manual work and they could not maintain the crops. there would probably not be a war if it was not for slavery.

    1. that was from me

      -tori Williams

  75. I think it was about slavery because the union didn't need slaves but the confederates did so if slaves were taken away the south would have a hard time getting what they need.

  76. In the civil war i think it was about slavery and freedom. And that all states should be civil and fair. So i think it was 2 things. 1 freedom, 2 and that states should be fair.

  77. Where the Native amaricans in the civil war

  78. Exactly they don't talk about the native americans at all

  79. The war is getting more and more interesting with the battle at Bull run and the other battle that i forgot the name to

    You already know who it is, Brady

  80. Slavery because if there was no slavery there would have been no war. First it was because the North was opposed to slavery and wanted it to end but the south did not. So that was what started the war.

  81. i forgot to put periods after my sentences.

  82. I think that civil war was about mostly slavery because have been fighting slavery for most of the Civil War free states and non free sates. If we didn't fight slavery we wouldn't even be here right now. That is what I think about the Civil War what do you think. Monserrat N.

  83. i personally think it was over slavery!!!!!!!!

  84. same here montserrat
